Wolfgang Weber Profile
Wolfgang Weber is an international working Teacher, Guide, Healer and Medium since 1985.
Wolfgang Weber's life is an adventurous journey of self-discovery throughout life's curves and edges. "As long as you laugh about yourself, you are a-live...... com-passion comes from passion... love doesn't ask, no way to escape....." are just a few of the simple keys for a happy life. Wolfgangs Weber's teaching is about re-membering and sharing. Everything already exists (in oneself).
An essence of spiritual development are the "Wolfgangs Free Hug Actions".
Biographical steps: born into a multicultural family with 2 sisters and founding his own family with children in both worlds. Various studies with diplomas and certifications in the fields of psychology, pedagogy, performance-art and spiritual healing, mediumship, contactimprovisation, rebirth-breathwork, familyconstellation etc followed by longterm practise and researches. 1990 foundation of Freiraum-Zentrum-Praxis (Center for Education and Trainings in various field of natural spiritual medicine and Clinic for clients) together with his wife Renate Amstutz Weber. Guide of many spiritual journeys to Tibet and other places in the world. Founder of Free Hugs Network, Wolfing Selfmanagement-Tools and Universal Consciousness WUC.
Wolfgang Universal Consciousness and Healing WUC
is the collection of Wolfgang Weber's unique (self)healing-communication-tools and techniques re-membered through many personal and transpersonal processes, researches and studies. WUC includes essential tools from various wisdom-systems of the world as shaman-wisdom, system-constellation, nlp, rebirth-breathwork trb, metamorphosis, mediumship, matrix-healing and others.
Online Healing-Sessions Skype-Video "wolf-travel" or Wechat-Video "wolfhug123" with Wolfgang 60Min/150€ with Alexey Nikitin, Healer Russia (Wolfgang Assistent and Translator) 60Min/180€
payment/money-transfer for Wolfgang Weber, Uhwieserstrasse 4, CH-8247 Flurlingen, Switzerland to Postfinance AG, Mingerstrasse 20, CH-3030 Bern, Switzerland PC 82-20748-5 IBAN CH39 0900 0000 8202 0748 5 SWIFT (=BIC) POFICHBEXXX
Please write clearly, what the payment is for: date, time, matter Example: 12.05.2016 15:00 Skype-Session with Wolfgang |
CHINA Agenda Workshops and Individual Sessions, Trips
27.11.-05.12.2018 Beijing Workshop, Individual Sessions, FreeHugs Activity come with me......076 482 97 42
15.-26.03.2018 Beijing 心江湖 World-of-Heart-Center 4-days Workshops Familyconstellation, Breathwork @ Aura-Soma, salons: Shaman Healingrituals, individual sessions, FreeHug-Action
29.11.-11.12.2017 Chengdu W@R-Org 4-days Workshops Breathwork @ Aura-Soma, salon: Shaman Healingrituals, individual sessions, FreeHug-Action
09.-17.08.2017 Chengdu W@R-Org Workshops, salons and healing sessions, FreeHugs Actions
06.-09.04.2017 Beijing 心江湖 World-of-Heart-Center Workshops and healing sessions
29.03.-10.04.2017 Beijing 大便Dabian-Center Workshops, salons and healing sessions
01.-07.02.2017 Taipei, Taiwan, Love Treasure Workshops, Salon, Healing Sessions
03.-13.12.2016 Beijing 大便Dabian-Center Workshop, salons and healing sessions
13.-16.08.2016 Beijing WUC Wolfgang Universal Consciousness 3-days workshop and individual healing sessions
04-12.08.2016 Guangzhou WUC Wolfgang Universal Consciousness 6-days workshop and individual healing sessions Video of Free Hug Action 08.08.2106
08.-17.05.2016 Shanghai Venue, Course- and Session-Details, Bookings Free Hugs Video 12.05.2016 (on youku)
02.-10.12.2015 Shanghai
04.-21.08.2015 Shanghai
25.04.-08.05.2015 Shanghai Mysterious Healing 6-days intensive training, individual sessions, saloon https://youtu.be/XNra-CTHAuU?list=PLtKI5ifmmecvqdDuGTao83
05.-22.01.2015 Shanghai and Taipeh Mr. Huang Jianhe huangjianhe@vip.163.com
03.-10.09.2014 Shanghai 2004-2012 Hongkong, Shenzhen, Tibet, Taipeh, Japan |
Abwun d’bwaschmaja Abwun d’bwaschmaja Nethkadasch schmach Tete malkuthach Nehwe tzevjanach aikana d’bwaschmaja af b’arha Hawvlan lachma d’sunkana jaomana Waschboklan chauben wachtahen aikana daf chnan schvoken l’chaijaben Wela tachlan l’nesjuna ela patzan min bischa Metol dilachie malkutha wahaila wateschbuchta l’ahlam almin. Amen.
Translation Wolfgang Weber 生命的本源,身体和自然,父亲-母亲-孩子... 色彩-声音-气味。 生命的呼吸,爱与美,本自俱足。 请帮助我记得,我来自何处?我是谁?生命是什么? 感恩主,予我呼吸,予我爱,和我同在。 有你我就安全,以欢愉的存在。请帮助我去放下去和解, 那些因我的无知而引发的令我深陷囹圄的事端。 帮助我去信任,与人为善...黑暗与光明,喜悦和痛苦, 匮乏与丰盛,热情和慈悲... 让我成为你的手你的心。 你我一体。阿门。 |
We sing for the peace We sing for the peace Together we are strong We need the peace We love the peace We sing for the peace
我们歌唱和平 我们一起变强 我们需要和平 我们热爱和平 我们歌唱和平 |
Bi na mo eh You and me and me and you
我和你,你和我 你和我,我和你 |
Be still and know
be still and know that day and night be still and know that dark and light are one holy circle.
be still and know that sun and rain be still and know that joy and pain are one holy circle.
只要静静地,便可知道这白昼与黑夜, 只要静静地,便可知道这黑暗与光明, 是一个神圣的循环。
只要静静地,便可知道这阳光和雨露, 只要静静地,便可知道这欢笑和痛苦, 是一个神圣的循环。